Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Institute for Preaching and Islamic Thoughts

“Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi Institute For Preaching and Islamic Thoughts” has been founded for Dawah purposes, after the name of Maulana Syed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, a great Islamic scholar and spiritual leader, who was gifted at writing and he left hundreds of books after him in Islamic literature. He was the first patron of the Jamia, therefore the Jamia has founded this institute in his memory to spread his thoughts, message and books. The institute enrolls those students who have completed their Alim (graduation) course to train them in Dawah, English, Computer and writing so that they may be good preachers of Islam and fulfill their responsibility towards it.  The institute has produced ten batches and published hundreds of books on various Islamic topics.

Aims and Objectives

The institute aims at producing such Ulama who would be good preachers, present Islam and spread its message properly. For this purpose they are trained in Islamic thought, sciences and languages, they also practice these language orally and writtenly to express themselves in these languages. After completing the course they are sent at different places to carry out Dawah activities practically.


Besides educational activities and training the students, the institute carries out research work and publishes Urdu, Arabic magazines. The institute, has published numerous books on important topics. It has also, published special issues of magazines in Arabic and Urdu on the topics that got importance among Muslims.


To carry out research work and provide the students enough material on different topics, the institutes has setup a rich library by the name of Allama Syed Sulaiman Nadwi. The library has all important reference books with audio and visual section and is open 24 hour for the students.