The study of the nations and different religious entities will definitely suggest that the only Muslims possess the distinction that the first important lesson which their prophet (SAWS) imparted to them is that they should conduct the study of the universe and the natural phenomena with an unflinching faith in Allah and His Attributes and, on the strength of His support, gather knowledge about the creation, and keeping in view the dimensions of knowledge, apply the pen with unshakable belief in the fact that the source of total human knowledge is only Allah, the Lord of the universe.

During the era of incomparable glory and scientific perfection, Islam initiated its mission of knowledge and education on the same foundation, with the result that the acquisition of knowledge was declared a religious obligation and the bond between Islam and the knowledge was inseparable. More importantly, Islam not just recommended for Muslims to seek only surface knowledge of different things related to different faculties of human life and content themselves only with the outer shell of knowledge, But it strongly called them to specialize in the fields of morality, social science, culture, civilization, human affairs, politics, and administration. This wide range of knowledge obviously covered dietetics, clothing, upkeep of health and the treatment of illnesses and all other essential requirements of human life.
The Muslims are required to know that medical science too is as much important in the knowledge of the holy Prophet (SAWA) as all other areas of human knowledge. Indeed his valuable instruction about health and illness, treatment of illnesses, compounded and uncompounded medicines, different pathies of the treatment of illnesses constitute an outstanding chapter of the prophet’s teachings.
The invaluable contribution of the Muslims to the medical sciences, both in quality and quantity, is of course unsurpassable. In the initial decades of the seventh century while the Christian world was wandering in the abyss of Christological superstitions and absurdities the Muslims were enthusiastically, conducting experiments and researches in different fields of natural and medical sciences, searching for the medicinal herbs, carrying out experiments on uncompounded and compounded medicines. It was because of the prophetic direction that wisdom is the lost property of the Muslim; he must take it wherever he finds it.
Towards achieving this aim the Jamiat-u- Shababil Islam established Dr.Syed Abdul Ali Tibbiya College and Hospital. The institution is named after a person who possessed the excellent qualities of both the traditional and the modern learning and medical sciences. Himself a doctor, Syed Abdul Ali was a well known Alim in important fields of the Islamic learning. Naming the institution after this towering personality is not just for the sake of blessing, but the institution desires that the students should make him a model role for themselves as he offered a highly desirable model for medical students.
Keeping these high and noble aims in mind, the institution is being started. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’la help us to remove the obstacles and odds are faced now and might be faced in the future.
Qualification for Admission
Candidates aspiring for B.U.M.S. course must have passed Intermediate (10+2) with physics, chemistry & Urdu.Urdu is compulsory upto 10th class or equivalent Education. The candidates must have attain minimum 17 years of age as on 31st December of the corresponding year. The admissions shall be made to those students who will qualify written test & Interview.
Duration of course
The main course is of 4 years and 6 months. The duration shall be divided in three professional examinations, 18 months. Internship will be compulsory for those who have passed B.U.M.S. final. Internship duty in the Hospital is for 12 months.
Degree to be awarded
The students who have passed their B.U.M.S. examination and have completed 12 months rotary Internship in the Hospital shall be awarded the degree of Kamil-e- tib-o-Jarahat (B.U.M.S.) By Chhatrapati shahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur.
Seats: The College has been given permission by the government of fifty seats every year that are filled by the management.
Library: It has a rich and big library for the students while the hospital of hundred beds has to be built that is running now in a temporary building.
Herbal garden: A vast Herbal Garden with more than 500 varieties of medicinal plants is present in the Campus for the treatment of the patients and to tell the value and attributes of Herbal plants to the students.
Hostel: There are separate hostels with mess facility for boy and girl students under Hostel Warden. Accommodation is allotted on “first come first served basis” for out station students. Students have to follow hostel rules, for that they will receive a copy of by- lows of the hostel at the time of admissions.
Number of Staff and Students
The course of Tibbiya College is of five years and it has been given permission of fifty admissions every year. Being this year, the forth year of the college we have two hundred students, boys and girls while the number of staff is forty two.